Every summer, a girlfriend of mine makes a summer bucket list with all of the fun things she wants to do. The idea is to not let summer slip by without enjoying it fully! And, when summer is over, you know that you have accomplished something other than watching Netflix. In terms of piano playing, summer can be a great time to take a step back and pick an area of focus. For example, maybe you want to master a technical issue, work on sight-reading, or get a jump-start on theory for next year's exams. When I was in college, I always liked to learn big pieces over the summer, like concerti, so that I could learn them slowly without the distraction of my other classes. In any case, I think it is important to set an intention for summer learning. We need to make a summer piano bucket list! Here are some ideas to put on your list!
2021 Summer Piano Bucket List Ideas
Compose a piece
Learn a piece by ear (or even transcribe it!)
Practice improvising every day for 5–10 minutes
Listen to a new piano piece once a week
Research a composer or style of music
Read a book about a musician or composer
Create a fun Tiktok/social media video with your music
Practice sight-reading every day (a new music book, or even all of the Bach Inventions/Sinfonias)
Learn a new large-scale work
Master a theory concept (note names on the staff, chord identification, etc.)
Learn scales or I–IV–V7–I chord progressions in all keys
Go to an outdoor concert
🏖What is on your 2021 Summer Piano Bucket List? 🏖
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